Bicycle Design Slot
Reserve a time slot for the design of your custom titanium single or tandem bicycle.
Reserve a time slot for the design of your Chinook titanium bicycle. This deposit amount is applied toward the price of your bike. The deposit is fully refundable before we start to design your bike. To start the design of your bike, we will need 3 things:
- This time slot reservation
- A completed new bike questionnaire (please complete at least 2 weeks before the design slot)
- A completed bike fit form for each rider (please complete at least 2 weeks before the design slot). If you'll be getting a new professional bike fit, please have it completed before the design slot.
With that information, Chinook will produce a frame drawing and quote for you. We will iterate as necessary until everyone is satisfied with the plan. It typically takes 2-6 weeks to get through the design process. Once the quote and drawing are to your liking, a 60% deposit will get the frame into production.
Changes to components and colors can be made after fabrication starts. It's best to finalize component selections and colors within 8 weeks of the bike deposit. If you'd like custom anodized artwork, we will discuss that after the frame is in production. Artwork should be finalized by 12 weeks after the deposit.